Try This: Easier Hard-Boiled Eggs

Have you been overcomplicating hard-boiled eggs? Probably.

At first I thought Martha Stewart’s recipe was complicated just because she’s Martha Stewart. But then I found other recipes that called for the same kind of method: cover the eggs with one inch of water, leave on stove for exactly this many minutes, drain carefully, la la la.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head, seeing all of these somewhat complicated hard-boiled egg recipes.

I mean, it’s just an egg. Boiled. In tap water.

There are no rules, other than boil the egg.

I don’t know. Maybe one day I’ll eat a perfect hard-boiled egg in a fancy French restaurant and my life will change forever.

But you know what, hard-boiled eggs can’t get much better than this.

Hard-Boiled Eggs


1. Fill saucepan with water to cover halfway up the egg. Or a little more than halfway. Because you’re using less water to boil, you’re saving time and even a little bit of energy.

Get eggcited.

2. Bring water to boil.

Mismatched saucepan lids are fashionable.

3. Turn off heat and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Egg sauna.

Fluffy egg yolk and a soft egg white. This is perfection made easy.


Take that, Martha. Take that and eat it for breakfast.

24 Comments Add yours

  1. Hari Qhuang says:

    Hello! 😀
    I just nominated this blog for The Liebster Award. I have bookmarked many recipes in this blog and I plan to try to make the savory scallion pancake very soon. 😀
    Anyway, I have put a link to this blog on my post:

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      Aw thank you! I’m glad you like the recipes (good luck on the scallion pancakes, even though they’re so easy you don’t need luck!) I’ll try and find and time between all the crazy cooking to pass on this award 🙂

  2. This is great, I always make too much out of hard boiling a egg! Very entertaining post

  3. That’s exactly how I cook mine. I didn’t even know there were complicated ways to boil an egg. Love your blog. 🙂

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      Thanks! And haha you’d be surprised the crazy specific ways you’re “supposed” to make hard-boiled eggs!

  4. Liz says:

    Now those are perfectly hard-cooked eggs–kudos! Yours is the cutest blog I’ve seen. Love all those polka dots/ Appreciate your visit to food for fun’s one crazy summer post. Fun to find you and am drooling over all of your photos. You do good work!!

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      Aw shucks, thank you! I’m happy you enjoy my crazy stuff! (:

  5. And look at this bright yolks! Plus no grey ring around the yellow. Nicely done!

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      🙂 Thank you! Although I definitely don’t deserve credit it’s so easy, haha.

  6. putputteats says:

    Ha, those do look perfect! Good job!

  7. Glenda says:

    Oh my gosh! This looks like the recipe I learned in my 8th grade home ec class! I’ve been doing it like this forever and the eggs come out perfectly every time.

  8. Tom Levine says:

    So uncomplicated! Exactly how I do it. Love me, my eggs!

  9. Doaa Jabir says:

    Awesome tip…Will surely try

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      Let me know how it turns out for ya! 🙂

  10. MJDeibert says:

    This is how I do mine – mismatched lid and all.

  11. Yashika Lobo says:

    thank you for simplifying this! phew!

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      You’re welcome!! 🙂 enjoy

  12. Patty Nguyen says:

    I’ve tried many a hard-boiled egg technique and I absolutely love this one! I love your blog, Cici. I’m always laughing out loud. 🙂

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      Aw thanks! I’m so glad you enjoy my (sometimes not funny) humor!

  13. thank for sharing this post! I find that boiling eggs is a science, and I have yet to master it. I will definitely try this technique.

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      Awesome!! Let me know how it goes!

  14. Try a soft boiled egg sometime the flavor of the yolk is richer. I like mine just almost liquid so they will spread on toast. Thanks for visiting my blog you are my first commenter :0

    1. Kitchen Cici says:

      You’re welcome! And I agree soft boiled eggs are quite good!

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